Friday 17 July 2009

Last days at Queenswood

So this is my last schoolday at Queenswood.

I am sitting here in the e-comm lesson and think: What can I write in this post.

At first I can say that the two weeks here at Queenswood were very funny, funky, gorgeous, hard (sport) and intensive. I learned more about English and some other languages. I made new friends from the whole world.

I have to say thanks to my friendly teacher, who has been understanding to me the last weeks.

I enjoyed the last two weeks with the excursion to London, Oxford Street and Windsor Castle. I felt really happy but I am sad to leave Queenswood and maybe I will come back.


Last training with FC ARSENAL LONDON

Yesterday we had our last training with the trainers from FC ARSENAL. We made a challenge with small exercices like "dribbling", "passing" and "hit the crossbar". After the challenge my team was first but there was a last game where we all play against each other. The mistake was that the trainers told the score before the last game so that the other three teams sticked together and played against the end we loose....
It was a very cool last training session and they gave us a gift: the new shirt for the next season!!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Sunday footballtraining

On sunday we had a very intensive training with three trainers from Arsenal London. We had two sessions: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

I had training with Louis, he played for Watford when he was younger.

All three trainers are very friendly and professional, one of them coaches the women of Arsenal, who won the LEAGUE and the FA-CUP this year. Last friday the captain of the women team visited us.

We had and will have a lot of FUN with them

Monday 13 July 2009

Weekend 10th and 11th july

We arrived in London City at 11 o'clock and we went to a very boring amusement arcade. I do not remember his name so boring was it. There were only some very expensive simulators for wasting your money.

After this big dissapointment, we finally walked to OXFORD STREET for shopping.

Friday 10 July 2009

Day excursion to London City Thursday 9th july

After breakfast we started our trip to London. We arrived at WESTMINSTER ABBEY and started a guide tour through London. We went to the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENTS, DOWNING STREET and BUCKINGHAM PALACE where we saw the changing of the guard.
At least we went to the BRITISH MUSEUM where we had to answer questions.
The day was pretty cool.

My second day at school Wednesday 8th july

The day strated like the last one: woke up at 8 o'clock, breakfast and school.

At the evening, after dinner, we had our first training with three Arsenal trainers. The training was very hard and it was exciting to see how Arsenal players are working.